Where do we need help?

Maintaining a tradition of excellence in our program requires a substantial amount of work both inside and outside the classroom. We appreciate your help and commitment to our students and program. We are excited to welcome you to the RMS Ruckel Band Volunteer team!

Football Concessions

You can either work the Concession Stand OR Donate Concession Items! Concessions are one of the band’s highest-earning fundraisers, so your assistance goes a long way!


Being in uniform gives us a sense of identity as a team and adds an additional level of professionalism to our band program. If you’re gifted with a sewing needle and measuring tape, we would love to have you.


Know of a local business willing to be a sponsor for the RMS Band? Please let us know! This money goes toward equipment, instruments, music, experiences, guest artists, and students in band who are in need of financial assistance.


To ensure safety of our students, whenever we travel anywhere, we must have a parent chaperone. If you are a nurse or medical professional, we would love for you to travel with us!


At Football Games and all performances, we have a lot of equipment to transport. This ranges from Drum Major podiums to stands/chairs, to percussion equipment. The more hands on deck, the better! If you have a trailer hitch or a truck and are willing to help, please let us know!


Our students and families love looking back on performances and experiences in the form of photos and recordings! If you have a professional camera/recording equipment and are willing to share your services with us, we would love to have you on board!